Hoho..pagi yang cerah buat online. Eh sekalinya buka situs Undip dapet FREE TRIAL ONLINE JOURNAL terbitan SPRINGER, puas2in deh donlot jurnal2.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
1. Ngga menancapkan colokan listrik walopun ketika alat elektronik itu dimatikan = menghemat 40-50% biaya listrik yang harus anda bayarkan tiap bulannya….
Dan berarti pula, mengurangi panas yang timbul dari alat elektronik yang merembet ke pemanasan global.
2. Kantong plastik butuh waktu 1000 tahun untuk terurai di TPA(tempat pembuangan akhir). Sekitar 300 juta buah kantong plastik dibuang tiap tahunnya di Indonesia.
Belum lagi yang dibuang di sungai belakang rumah dan tempat2 yang tidak semestinya.
Dan 10kg kertas koran yang siap di jual loakan… itu membutuhkan 1 pohon yang butuh waktu 10taon untuk jadi besar. Bayangkan yang terjadi dengan ilegal logging… how many trees has been cutdown for you? Imagine how they make the world hotter?
3. Ketika kamu membeli 1 liter air mineral di supermarket = beli 5 liter air. Tanya kenapa?
Karena di pabrik, untuk mendinginkan botol plastik panas yang baru dicetak, membutuhkan 5 liter air… cck cck cck…
Kode botol apa yang aman digunakan sebagai botol air? Lihat tanda dibawah botol, cari nomor 2,3 atau 4…. selain nomor2 itu… they’re not safe, karena sama aja kamu makan plastik!!!!
4. Tisue yang uda di pakai itu ngga bisa di recycle… begitu juga karton2 yang bekas kena minyak, makanan, kue, minuman… They’re only a waste… yang mau ngga mau tanahlah yang harus merecycle.
Perkiraan orang memakai tisue 6 biji sehari. 2.200 biji setaun. Berarti kira2 44 MILIAR biji seluruh Indonesia setaun… Kalau kita menghemat 1 lembar ajah tiap hari… berarti kita mengurangi sampah kertas sebanyak 7 MILIIAR biji setaon… HEBAT KAN?
5. Be Green on ATM? Kalo di BCA kan ada yang ambil duit ngga pake receipt… atau be smart dong… Transfer lewat Internet banking ato mobile banking….
8 MILIAR kali transaksi di ATM yang mengeluarkan kertas receipt tiap taun adalah salah satu sumber sampah terbesar di dunia.
Kalau selama setaon orang transaksi ngga pake kertas receipt, itu akan menghemat satu roll besar kertas yang bisa buat melingkari garis equator sampe 15 kali… ccck ccck
6. Minimal punya 2 macam tempat sampah dirumah, membantu mengurangi polusi air, udara dan tanah.
Pisahkan sampah basah (sisa makanan dan masakan, daun, minuman) dan sampah kering ( botol, plastik, kertas, kaca)
Lebih baik lagi untuk memisahkan sampah menurut 4 kelas :
Plastik ( pembungkus makanan, kantong kresek, kantong belanjaan)
Rumah tangga ( tulang ayam, sisa capcay, makanan basi)
Kertas (Pembungkus gorengan, popok bayi, tisue yang sudah dipakai)
Buku bekas catatan, kertas2 tagihan, koran, kertas iklan… disendirikan untuk dijual
Logam (kaleng susu, kaleng makanan) dan kaca.
Hanya butuh waktu 2 bulan untuk menjadikan sampah rumah tangga menjadi kompos yang bisa dipakai lagi untuk pupuk tanaman…
7. Polar Bear / Beruang kutub ngga bisa berenang… tapi karena global warming di Kutub Utara, mereka harus berenang 30km untuk mencari es tempat berteduh.
Watch DISCOVERY CHANNEL : PLANET EARTH… pasti nangis deh ngeliat perjuangan seekor beruang kutub yang akhirnya mati karena kelelahan mencari daratan.
Is that the world you will leave for your children?
Taken from :
http://totalfeedback.com/tfwp/?cat=6 Read More..
1. Ngga menancapkan colokan listrik walopun ketika alat elektronik itu dimatikan = menghemat 40-50% biaya listrik yang harus anda bayarkan tiap bulannya….
Dan berarti pula, mengurangi panas yang timbul dari alat elektronik yang merembet ke pemanasan global.
2. Kantong plastik butuh waktu 1000 tahun untuk terurai di TPA(tempat pembuangan akhir). Sekitar 300 juta buah kantong plastik dibuang tiap tahunnya di Indonesia.
Belum lagi yang dibuang di sungai belakang rumah dan tempat2 yang tidak semestinya.
Dan 10kg kertas koran yang siap di jual loakan… itu membutuhkan 1 pohon yang butuh waktu 10taon untuk jadi besar. Bayangkan yang terjadi dengan ilegal logging… how many trees has been cutdown for you? Imagine how they make the world hotter?
3. Ketika kamu membeli 1 liter air mineral di supermarket = beli 5 liter air. Tanya kenapa?
Karena di pabrik, untuk mendinginkan botol plastik panas yang baru dicetak, membutuhkan 5 liter air… cck cck cck…
Kode botol apa yang aman digunakan sebagai botol air? Lihat tanda dibawah botol, cari nomor 2,3 atau 4…. selain nomor2 itu… they’re not safe, karena sama aja kamu makan plastik!!!!
4. Tisue yang uda di pakai itu ngga bisa di recycle… begitu juga karton2 yang bekas kena minyak, makanan, kue, minuman… They’re only a waste… yang mau ngga mau tanahlah yang harus merecycle.
Perkiraan orang memakai tisue 6 biji sehari. 2.200 biji setaun. Berarti kira2 44 MILIAR biji seluruh Indonesia setaun… Kalau kita menghemat 1 lembar ajah tiap hari… berarti kita mengurangi sampah kertas sebanyak 7 MILIIAR biji setaon… HEBAT KAN?
5. Be Green on ATM? Kalo di BCA kan ada yang ambil duit ngga pake receipt… atau be smart dong… Transfer lewat Internet banking ato mobile banking….
8 MILIAR kali transaksi di ATM yang mengeluarkan kertas receipt tiap taun adalah salah satu sumber sampah terbesar di dunia.
Kalau selama setaon orang transaksi ngga pake kertas receipt, itu akan menghemat satu roll besar kertas yang bisa buat melingkari garis equator sampe 15 kali… ccck ccck
6. Minimal punya 2 macam tempat sampah dirumah, membantu mengurangi polusi air, udara dan tanah.
Pisahkan sampah basah (sisa makanan dan masakan, daun, minuman) dan sampah kering ( botol, plastik, kertas, kaca)
Lebih baik lagi untuk memisahkan sampah menurut 4 kelas :
Plastik ( pembungkus makanan, kantong kresek, kantong belanjaan)
Rumah tangga ( tulang ayam, sisa capcay, makanan basi)
Kertas (Pembungkus gorengan, popok bayi, tisue yang sudah dipakai)
Buku bekas catatan, kertas2 tagihan, koran, kertas iklan… disendirikan untuk dijual
Logam (kaleng susu, kaleng makanan) dan kaca.
Hanya butuh waktu 2 bulan untuk menjadikan sampah rumah tangga menjadi kompos yang bisa dipakai lagi untuk pupuk tanaman…
7. Polar Bear / Beruang kutub ngga bisa berenang… tapi karena global warming di Kutub Utara, mereka harus berenang 30km untuk mencari es tempat berteduh.
Watch DISCOVERY CHANNEL : PLANET EARTH… pasti nangis deh ngeliat perjuangan seekor beruang kutub yang akhirnya mati karena kelelahan mencari daratan.
Is that the world you will leave for your children?
Taken from :
http://totalfeedback.com/tfwp/?cat=6 Read More..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Villager
Image below showed Dusun Tangar Rt.13 Rw.02 Desa Kedung Harjo Keacamatan Widang Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur 62383
Thx to Google Earth
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Thx to Google Earth
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Monday, November 17, 2008
Tambaksari Wetland Migratory Shorebirds
Akhirnya selesai juga setelah 4 bulan sun bathing di pantai, demi skripsi it's no big deal. Penantian itu berakhir dengan mendapat "buruan" 15 spesies burung pantai migran dari 6 kali pengamatan di lahan basah Tambaksari. Kawasan Tambaksari merupakan salah satu daerah singgah bagi beberapa jenis burung pantai migran. Kawasan ini memiliki empat tipe habitat yaitu : muara sungai, pantai, mangrove dan tambak. Pada beberapa tipe habitat tersebut dijumpai burung air migran yang sedang istirahat dan atau mencari makan. Lokasi penelitian secara administratif termasuk dalam Dusun Tambaksari, Desa Bedono, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak. Secara geografis lokasi penelitian berada pada posisi 6º55’44” LS dan 110º29’42” BT.
Di seluruh dunia tercatat sebanyak 214 jenis burung pantai, sedangkan di Indonesia tercatat sebanyak 65 jenis burung pantai. Sebagian besar burung pantai tersebut merupakan burung migran baik dari belahan bumi utara (Rusia dan sekitarnya) maupun dari belahan bumi selatan (Australia dan negara-negara pasifik). Dari 15 jenis burung pantai migran yang tercatat, sebagian besar merupakan jenis yang umum dijumpai di beberapa kawasan lahan basah Indonesia. Jenis yang paling jarang dijumpai adalah Trinil Rawa. Jenis ini termasuk jenis langka, khususnya untuk wilayah Jawa, meskipun cukup umum di wilayah lain.
Burung pantai bermigrasi untuk menghindari perubahan kondisi alam yang ekstrim di lokasi berbiaknya. Pada periode tertentu di lokasi berbiaknya terjadi perubahan musim menjadi musim dingin sehingga ketersediaan pakan menjadi terbatas. Strategi migrasi dilakukan burung pantai agar tetap bertahan hidup selama musim dingin dan pada akhirnya burung pantai kembali untuk berbiak pada musim panas. Secara umum, burung migran dapat dijumpai di Indonesia pada awal perjalanan menuju belahan bumi selatan (September – Maret) dan saat kembali ke lokasi berbiak (Maret – April).
Spesies Burung Pantai Migran di Lahan Basah Tambaksari
Gajahan Pengala (Numenius phaeopus), Gajahan Besar, Cerek Pasir Besar, Cerek Tilil, Cerek Besar, Cerek Asia, Cerek Kernyut, Trinil Pantai, Trinil Hiijau, Trinil Semak, Trinil Kaki Merah, Trinil Bedaran, Trinil Kaki Hijau, Trinil Rawa dan Terik Asia
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Migratory Birds Make Mistakes In Direction, But Not Distance
ScienceDaily (Apr. 15, 2008) — Migratory birds make mistakes in terms of direction, but not distance. These are the findings of a team of ornithologists and ecologists from the University of Marburg, the Ornithological Society in Bavaria and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), writing in the Journal of Ornithology.The scientists assessed several thousand reports of Asian birds from the leaf-warbler and thrush families that had strayed to Europe.They discovered that the distance between the breeding grounds in northern Siberia and the wintering sites in southern Asia was often similar to the distance between the breeding grounds and EuropeThe more similar the distances and the more numerous a particular species, the higher the probability of this species of bird straying to Europe. The birds’ body size is not a factor. For a long time, people suspected that the vagrants had been blown off course by the weather. The new findings, however, support the hypothesis that the vagrant birds end up in the wrong wintering areas as a result of an error in their migratory programme. Since many questions still remain unanswered regarding the spread of the bird flu virus H5N1, there is increasing interest in research into bird migration. Experts believe, however, that it is unlikely that the virus is spread via migratory birds and suspect that it is spread through the international trade in poultry products. In any case, vagrants pose the lowest risk.
Size is Not Important
In the course of their research into vagrants in Europe, the scientists evaluated the body mass, wingspan, size of breeding area, distance between the breeding area and the wintering area and the distance between the breeding area and Central Europe for 38 species of migratory birds. Their source was the list of confirmed sightings in the Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas (handbook of birds of Central Europe) from the start of ornithological records to the early 1990s. Eight species from the leaf-warbler family and six from the thrush family caught the scientists’ attention as vagrants.
One species that was spotted particularly often was the Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus), which was reported by voluntary ornithologists in Central Europe around a thousand times between 1836 and 1991. This species breeds in the Siberian taiga south of the Arctic Circle and overwinters in the subtropics and tropics of South-East Asia. The other Asian leaf-warbler species were observed much less frequently, if at all, in Central Europe. By contrast, five thrush species were reported nearly 100 times. If vagrants were brought by the weather, smaller birds should be blown off course more frequently than larger ones. However, using statistical analyses, the researchers were unable to find any correlation between the frequency of vagrants and their body size.
In addition, the Yellow-browed Warbler occurs far too regularly for every sighting in Central Europe to be explained by ‘unusual’ weather conditions during migration.
The species most likely to land in Europe are the ones that are widespread in Asia and are as common there as their relatives the Chiffchaff and European Willow Warbler are in Central Europe. "The more numerous a species is, greater the probability that one of them will be 'wrongly programmed' and go astray," explains Dr Jutta Stadler of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Halle/Saale. "They fly the same distance but in the opposite direction, which takes them to Europe. This is why we have relatively large numbers of vagrants from Asia here."
Wrong Way Down the Migration Flyway
The scientists suspect the cause is an error in the genetic migratory programme. The flight direction and flight duration are passed on from one generation to the next. This means that migration is the result of a genetic programme, through which bird populations have adjusted to environmental conditions. However, migratory birds can adapt to changes in environmental conditions over just a few generations. Their genes are responsible for the migratory restlessness that drives most of them thousands of kilometres to their winter quarters. Nevertheless, for a long time people were puzzled as to why individual birds of certain species repeatedly went astray. "In these cases, errors have simply occurred in their genetic programming that, if you like, make the birds turn right instead of left.
The vagrants can be compared to people who drive the wrong way down the motorway – they fly the wrong way down the intercontinental migration flyway," says Robert Pfeifer, General Secretary of the Ornithological Society in Bavaria. "One can assume that for the majority of these birds, it is a one-way trip. Although there are indications that individual birds do attempt to overwinter in Southern Europe, none of them are likely to make the return journey to Asia. There have been no cases of ringed birds being found again that could provide information about what happens to them." The new research findings also now explain why the only vagrants to have been seen by bird-spotters in Central Europe are long-distance migratory birds from Far East Asia. The genetically programmed journey for short-distance migratory birds from Asia would end somewhere in the west of northern Asia
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Size is Not Important
In the course of their research into vagrants in Europe, the scientists evaluated the body mass, wingspan, size of breeding area, distance between the breeding area and the wintering area and the distance between the breeding area and Central Europe for 38 species of migratory birds. Their source was the list of confirmed sightings in the Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas (handbook of birds of Central Europe) from the start of ornithological records to the early 1990s. Eight species from the leaf-warbler family and six from the thrush family caught the scientists’ attention as vagrants.
One species that was spotted particularly often was the Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus), which was reported by voluntary ornithologists in Central Europe around a thousand times between 1836 and 1991. This species breeds in the Siberian taiga south of the Arctic Circle and overwinters in the subtropics and tropics of South-East Asia. The other Asian leaf-warbler species were observed much less frequently, if at all, in Central Europe. By contrast, five thrush species were reported nearly 100 times. If vagrants were brought by the weather, smaller birds should be blown off course more frequently than larger ones. However, using statistical analyses, the researchers were unable to find any correlation between the frequency of vagrants and their body size.
In addition, the Yellow-browed Warbler occurs far too regularly for every sighting in Central Europe to be explained by ‘unusual’ weather conditions during migration.
The species most likely to land in Europe are the ones that are widespread in Asia and are as common there as their relatives the Chiffchaff and European Willow Warbler are in Central Europe. "The more numerous a species is, greater the probability that one of them will be 'wrongly programmed' and go astray," explains Dr Jutta Stadler of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Halle/Saale. "They fly the same distance but in the opposite direction, which takes them to Europe. This is why we have relatively large numbers of vagrants from Asia here."
Wrong Way Down the Migration Flyway
The scientists suspect the cause is an error in the genetic migratory programme. The flight direction and flight duration are passed on from one generation to the next. This means that migration is the result of a genetic programme, through which bird populations have adjusted to environmental conditions. However, migratory birds can adapt to changes in environmental conditions over just a few generations. Their genes are responsible for the migratory restlessness that drives most of them thousands of kilometres to their winter quarters. Nevertheless, for a long time people were puzzled as to why individual birds of certain species repeatedly went astray. "In these cases, errors have simply occurred in their genetic programming that, if you like, make the birds turn right instead of left.
The vagrants can be compared to people who drive the wrong way down the motorway – they fly the wrong way down the intercontinental migration flyway," says Robert Pfeifer, General Secretary of the Ornithological Society in Bavaria. "One can assume that for the majority of these birds, it is a one-way trip. Although there are indications that individual birds do attempt to overwinter in Southern Europe, none of them are likely to make the return journey to Asia. There have been no cases of ringed birds being found again that could provide information about what happens to them." The new research findings also now explain why the only vagrants to have been seen by bird-spotters in Central Europe are long-distance migratory birds from Far East Asia. The genetically programmed journey for short-distance migratory birds from Asia would end somewhere in the west of northern Asia
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